NextPax Product update Channel Manager Supply API 1.4

September 4, 2023

In our continuous effort to enhance user experience and functionality, we are excited to announce the latest update to our Supply API, Version 1.4. This release brings a host of new features and improvements, all designed to empower our Supply Partners with more flexibility and control over their property management.

Messaging Endpoints

One of the key highlights of this release is the introduction of Messaging Endpoints. These endpoints enable Supply Partners to establish instant communication with channels and guests who make bookings at their properties. Here’s a rundown of the available messaging endpoints:

POST /threads: Initiate a new conversation thread for communication with guests. Threads are linked to reservations and can be created when guests initiate a conversation or when hosts start a conversation.

GET /threads: Retrieve existing threads for property managers.

GET /threads/{threadId}: Retrieve details of a specific thread.

GET /messages: Retrieve messages associated with existing threads.

POST /messages: Add a new message for host-guest communication.

GET /messages/{threadId}: Retrieve all messages in a specific thread.

GET /messages/{messageId}: Retrieve a specific message.

GET /settings/{propertyManagerCode}: Retrieve messaging settings for a property manager.

POST /settings/{propertyManagerCode}: Update messaging settings for a property manager.

GET /settings-definitions: Retrieve allowed settings for property managers.

For more detailed information, please refer to our dedicated article on Messaging.

Features Endpoints

Our Supply API now includes functionality for managing features, offering more versatility to property managers. The three primary features introduced are:

Currency Conversion: Set conversion rates from one currency to another for rates or additional costs, catering to channels with different currency requirements.

Rate Multipliers: Tailor rates per channel, allowing property managers to offer unique pricing strategies.

Fee Multipliers: Customize fees per channel to accommodate various pricing structures.

The endpoints for managing these features are:

POST /features/{propertyManagerCode}: Set or update feature information.

GET /features/{propertyManagerCode}: Retrieve existing features for property managers.

Constants Endpoints

The /constants/mapping-codes endpoint has been updated to include property classifications for each property type. This is essential for property creation, ensuring compatibility between property types and classifications.

Content Endpoints

Several enhancements have been made to the Content Endpoints, including:

Smoking Policy: Property manager policies now include smoking policy information, indicating whether smoking is allowed and where.

Guest Booking Types: Property managers can specify if they allow instant bookings, request-to-book only, or a combination of both.

Number of Units Field: This field allows property managers to indicate the total number of units for unit-type properties, facilitating accurate inventory management.

Channel Management Endpoints

For, we’ve added validation to always require a default rateplan for new activations. This aligns with’s distribution standards, ensuring a smooth integration process.

PCI Bookings Endpoints

Several new features and improvements have been introduced to PCI Bookings Endpoints, including Airbnb Host Cancellations, Airbnb Alterations, and enhanced commission and payment details retrieval.

For a comprehensive overview of these updates and their functionalities, please refer to the relevant sections in our Supply API Swagger.


We’re committed to continuously improving our Supply API to empower our Supply Partners with enhanced capabilities. Thank you for choosing NextPax as your trusted partner in property management.

Getting Started with the Supply API