How to set up an Expedia Group Mobile Promotion

June 26, 2024

Mobile phones are everywhere, and travelers increasingly use them to book trips and stays. In fact, 54% of Expedia Group travelers are booking on mobile devices*. How can you ensure their searches find you? By leveraging mobile-only promotions, you can capture this growing market segment and increase your bookings.

Why Mobile-Only Promotions Matter

The travel industry is witnessing a significant shift towards mobile bookings. Travelers prefer the convenience and accessibility of booking their trips on the go. By targeting this audience with mobile-specific promotions, you can boost your visibility and attract more bookings from mobile users.

You can easily create mobile promotions on Expedia Partner Central. Here’s how:

  1. Log In to Expedia Partner Central: Access your account on Expedia Partner Central.
  2. Navigate to Promotions: Go to the marketing section and select Promotions.
  3. Create a Promotion: Choose the option to create a new promotion.
  4. Select Mobile: Define the booking dates, details, and any restrictions for your promotion.
  5. Activate the Promotion: Once all details are filled in, select Create, and your promotion will be live on Expedia Group mobile sites.

Get Started Today

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to attract more mobile users.

*Expedia Group internal data, 2021-2022

By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your property is visible to the growing number of travelers who prefer booking on their mobile devices. The benefits of targeting mobile users are clear. Get started today and watch your bookings soar!


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