Boost Your Business with’s New Request to Book Feature via NextPax

June 18, 2024

Diversifying supply is critical if you want to grow your business. For this reason we are ecstatic to announce that accommodation partners can now, via NextPax channel manager, list on with a request to book as a booking setting. NextPax provides seamless connectivity into this new strategic initiative of In this blog post, we’ll talk about what a request to book is, why new accommodation partners should consider, and how it works.

What is Request to Book?

With’s new Request to Book feature, you can now decide whether or not you want to accept a new booking, giving you flexibility and control over your listings. Guests are required to send a booking request which you have 24 hours to review before you accept or decline. If you accept, the guest has a further 24 hours to confirm the reservation. Request to book as a booking setting is available for new clients to globally.

Why should I list on with Request to Book?

  • Access a broad supply of loyal and trustworthy guests
    With over 1.1 billion holiday rental guests since 2010 and 2 out of every 3 guests returning to book again, has a huge pool of quality potential guests. In fact, 75% of guests have 5 or more previous bookings with And for that extra piece of mind, has email and credit card verifications.

  • Get started and stand out quickly
    45% of property owners who list on get their first booking within one week. And now you can convert your property review scores from other sites so you can stand out and build momentum from day one.

  • Enjoy the flexibility of choice
    You keep full control over your property and your calendar. Approve when you wish and decline when you don’t. You can even compare and choose which booking request you want to approve if you receive overlapping requests.

How does this work within NextPax?

When a request is made via the accommodation partner will receive an email with a link that directs the partner to the request within the NextPax Reservations Overview, in which they can accept or reject the request.

Once accepted, the guest still has 24 hours to re-confirm it and make the final booking. In this stage of the process the status is request-accepted. Once the traveler has reconfirmed it will showcase as request-booked. 

In case you wish to decline the booking request, you can press the red deny button and provide the reason for denying the request. The decline categories are aligned with and after selecting the category, you can provide more information.

Once processed the request will have a request-rejected status.