Maximize your booking potential with Expedia GroupTM by adding rates and availability at least a year in advance

June 12, 2024

In a recent survey, 25% of Expedia Group travelers reported that they are comfortable booking travel more than a year in advance.* To better meet the changing expectations of guests today, you’ll want to adapt your distribution strategy on Expedia Group websites to offer as much availability as possible. 

As you finalize your distribution and inventory plans for the year, now is a great time to incorporate long-term booking strategies. Adding rates and availability on Expedia Group websites a year or more in advance can help you attract guests who are looking to book early. And those early bookings can make a big impact on your business!

Janet Chen, General Manager at Beiman WOW Poshtel consulted with her Expedia Group market manager to find new strategies to fill beds in a competitive market. To maximize booking potential, Janet’s market manager recommended a long-term booking strategy: add rates and availability up to 12 months in advance and offer an “early bird” discount to add extra incentive to guests to book. After Janet took these steps, she saw a 150% increase in net room nights and a 392% increase in revenue. Read her story.

All of the above features are generally available to all NextPax customers currently using our Channel Management Software. If there are any questions related to these tools, hosts (new and existing) can always reach out to or their designated customer success manager.

For updating pricing and availability, it depends on what system you are working/integrated with NextPax.

NextPax CDS

For accommodation partners that use the NextPax CDS, they can simply update rates, availability and inventory through the application. From there NextPax synchronizes this information with Expedia.

NextPax Accommodation Partners using the SupplyAPI

Accommodation partners that are connected directly through our NextPax Supply API, they are able to update pricing, availability and inventory through the different ARI endpoints available. From there NextPax syncs this information with Expedia. For more information and developer documentation, please see: 

NextPax Accommodation Partners using a different PMS or Proprietary System

Accommodation partners that use a different technology to update their pricing, availability and or inventory are required to update this information in their PMS or proprietary system. This is then synchronized with NextPax and Expedia. 

For the connected PMS systems, please see:


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